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.........   Sunday 10 October 2021: Stage Sunday -   .........

Sunday 10 October 2021: Stage Sunday -

Play at the Beausoleil Hall

A theatrical text is to be seen, to be felt! What happens before the curtain rises, on the stage of an empty theater where everything has to be created?
First day of rehearsal on the stage of a theater. Two women meet again: Gertrude, respected author and delirious director, confronts Hortense, an actress once adored and now overwhelmed by the megalomaniac world of her guru.

Limited places, reservation required on 06 63 05 48 74 or 04 94 55 69 23

Health pass & wearing a mask compulsory.




.........   Links   .........

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Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


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Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

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