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.........   Friday March 17, 2023: Literary getaway with Ian MANOOK   .........

Friday March 17, 2023: Literary getaway with Ian MANOOK

Ian Manook, pseudonym of Patrick Manoukian will be our guest to open the 2023 season of
Literary escapades. Numerous prizes (Polar SNCF, Elle Polar, Quais du polar….) crowned his trilogy
of “Mongolian thrillers”: Yeruldelgger, L es temps sauvage and La mort nomade (Albin Michel), translated
in nearly 10 languages. During this meeting, he will present a tumultuous historical saga,
hymn to the resistance and to the memory of the Armenian people Le chant d’Haïganouch second volume
of The Blue Bird of Erzeroum (winner of the Literary Trophies of the News of Armenia magazine).


Salle Beausoleil on Friday March 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.





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