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.........   April 11th 2018: Free composter distribution   .........

April 11th 2018: Free composter distribution

As part of its waste prevention and reduction policy, the GSTCC and the Sittomat provide - free of charge - to interested households an individual composter.
Compost, from bio-waste (kitchen garden waste, ...) is then used as an organic amendment to enrich the soil. It is frequently used for vegetable gardens, gardens, crops ...

How to get a composter?

By visiting half-days of distribution, with a proof of residence of less than 3 months and your booking voucher.
The latter can be collected at the reception of your Town Hall, in waste disposal or at the Department of Household and Assimilated Waste:
reduisonsnosdechets (a) and on

  • Recycled and recyclable polypropylene composite stabilized with UV.
  • 400 liters
  • Supplied as a kit in an individual carton with assembly instructions.
  • Width 80 cm, depth 80 cm, height 94.5 cm, weight 15 kg.
  • Floor area 0.64 m2. Thermal iso walls. Supplied with composting guide.

The next distribution will take place Wednesday, April 11 from 14:00 to 18:30 in the waste of Grimaud (ZA Grand Pont)

PDF : CP tous au composteur (FR)
PDF : Booking coupon (FR)





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